Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Countdown to Exhaustion

It's bad enough to speak exhaustion over myself for this race... I'm not going for the full reference in my title and counting down to extinction. That might actually happen. I am in no way fully trained for this race, but I am prepared enough to complete it without keeling over.

My sister and I leave on FRIDAY. Disney is kind enough to remind me of this every time that I absentmindedly visit their website.

Everything is basically in order. The waivers are printed, as well as hotel and dining confirmation emails. I've already done online check-in for us. All that is really left to do is pack and have my car serviced. I've even signed my mom up for runner tracking for both of us.

We're leaving Friday afternoon after my sister gets off of work. That will put us at Disney at approximately midnight. This hotel reservation seems somewhat ridiculous because of the way we planned our trip. We're staying at All-Star Sports (obviously - picture) for only one night. We'll be checking in at midnight and checking out the next day. We're driving home after the Villains Bash (technically Sunday morning) in order to be home for church. We're going to just load everything in the car before we check out on Saturday, race, party as long as we can stand it, and head for home. I realize the insanity of this plan, but we think we're going to have no problem accomplishing this.

Figuring that it will be best to have a large breakfast and then increasingly smaller meals from there, we have an 11:00 breakfast reservation at a location that will remain undisclosed for now. The location is a surprise for my sister, and while she doesn't read this that I know of, I'm not taking any chances. I also realize that 11:00 is pushing what is acceptable to be called "breakfast" but we will have a late night the night before, and the race itself isn't until 10:00, so we have plenty of time to space out our meals.

I am so incredibly pumped. Two more nights of work. Two more sleeps.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Failure Number... One Million?

Blah! I cannot blog consistently to save my life. What is the deal? I'm not going to lie - I also am wondering if I'll ever be able to run consistently again. I am just losing majorly.

I'm assuming that if you've been in a running lull, you know how hard it can be to jump back in and get a routine going. Combine that with adjusting to a new job (with a relatively random schedule) and the inability to sleep like a normal person, and running seems like a darn near impossible task.

I'm updating right now to say this, though... I AM ABOUT TO GO RUNNING. Right now. Believe it. I'm putting on my shoes and heading out. Ready, set, go.



Was it the best run? No. Honestly, I felt totally out of shape and didn't love it. What did feel awesome, though, was actually getting out and running. The awesome fall weather we are finally starting to have wasn't too bad, either.

OH! Also. When I finished running, my Nike app told me the sweetest thing... my pace was faster than my average pace for my past 7 runs. That's what's up.

I forgot to do my countdown earlier, but I need to add in the Atlanta Half Marathon on Thanksgiving because I finally registered for it.

8 days until the 10 miler! (just 8???? shoot!!)
62 days until the Atlanta Half!
114 days until the WDW Marathon!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Gah! Falling Behind!!!

I absolutely refuse to fall behind this time. I may have failed to update these last few days, but I'm not giving up! What a crazy weekend I had. I am sad to admit that I didn't run or do yoga on Saturday. That wedding wiped me out. It was awesome to celebrate my friend, but I just ran out of time to get any sort of a work out in. Plus, I was exhausted.

Sunday brought more bad news in the work out department. I woke up at 7:30 (got ready extremely quickly because I was supposed to wake up at 7:00), went to church, and did not get home until 9:30 PM. Rough. Sundays I have only scheduled morning and evening yoga for myself, but I couldn't quite bring myself to do either time slot. I was on my feet the majority of the time I was at church and jumped around quite a bit, so it's not like I was completely inactive. I still was bummed that I didn't do what I  was intending, though.

Which brings us to yesterday... I would like to report that yesterday I jumped right back into my routine, but that is not what happened at all. I slept much later than I have in quite some time. I was planning on working out anyway until I remembered that I needed to be downtown to help out with choir auditions. I could have easily worked out when I got home because it was only around 7:30, but I didn't. That is where the pathetic saga of my failure ends.

Today is a new day. I haven't actually run yet, so I can't say that 100% truthfully. I fully plan on it when I get home, though. I could have run this morning, but I didn't want to shower again. Normally that wouldn't be an issue, but I had a job interview today. Sweaty is not a good interview look.

Tonight I have a dinner with one of my church volunteer teams, so I will have every excuse to not run when I get home. It won't beat me today, though. I will run. I will do yoga. I will conquer Tuesday.

31 days until the 10 miler!
136 days until the WDW Marathon!

Friday, August 24, 2012


Four days into this third attempt, still going strong. I won't feel accomplished until I surpass eight, though. Today I started off with my morning yoga (which I like significantly less than my evening yoga) and then did 30 minutes of strength training. 

I definitely wanted to make sure I got everything in early today because in about 20 minutes I'm heading to a wedding rehearsal. One of my high school friends is getting married tomorrow (woo!) and she has been kind enough to include me in the wedding party. This also means I'm going to be getting up super early to get my run in tomorrow. I'll get over that, though. The 10 miler fast approaches, and I am determined to get myself back to 12:00 miles.

35 days until the 10 miler!
140 days until the WDW Marathon!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

It counts because it's still Thursday!

It's late, but I made it! I actually almost updated quite a few times earlier today but wanted to wait until I had completed ALL of my daily goals. Normally I don't wait until 10:00 to do my evening yoga, but today choir rehearsal demanded that I do so.

This morning my run was consistent again! My pace was slightly faster than Tuesday (12:50/mile) which makes me super pumped. I am getting back to normal! Well, as normal as I ever am.

I had an incredible day that was productive, filled with Jesus, and filled with so many wonderful people I have not been able to see in quite some time. I'm so, so grateful but also exhausted. Bedtime is here and I am thrilled.

36 days until the 10 miler!
141 days until the WDW Marathon!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day the Second.

Fact: I didn't come update after I went running last night. I ran at 8pm and it was glorious. It was the first time I've had a consistent pace since the stoner kidney chilled out. Of course, that consistent pace was 13-minute miles, but I'll take it. It also doesn't bother me because I'm only shooting for 12-minute miles for the Tower of Terror. That should be no problem at all. I even did my evening yoga after I ran. AND I busted out the foam roller. I was just Miss Productive. I was reminded that I certainly need to break out the foam roller a little more often than I have been doing because my leg was straight up angry.

Today, being a Wednesday, was a morning yoga and strength training day. I was feeling distinctly less like a slacker today, and I have already knocked out both of those things. Score. Now I get to continue to do productive things such as cleaning out my closet. I've been spending the week overhauling my room, and the closet is the last thing left. Time to throw everything in it away so that I can effectively use the space. Here's hoping I don't get lost in there...

37 days until the 10 miler!
142 days until the WDW Marathon!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


And there went attempt number two to successfully document my race training...

Let's just start over. Third time's a charm and whatnot, right? I'm currently between jobs and school has not started for me, so I have absolutely no excuses.

Unfortunately, I had to miss out on the Peachtree this year because I was borderline concussed (long story involving a rolling clothing rack covered in black fabric). I was sad to miss out, but the good news is that they will give me guaranteed registration next year. No lottery for this girl!

I would like to say that I am going strong in my Tower of Terror training, but I'm working back up to what's normal for me. Working at camp in the summer threw me off track a little bit, but what really killed me was the kidney stone that decided to make an appearance in my life at the end of July. Now that I'm jobless and my kidney is no longer stoned, I'm ready to rock.

I've adjusted the training plan I was using, because there is no way that it would have been a good idea for me to run 9 miles last Saturday. I did run a 5K, though, so that counts for something. Or not. I had an asthma attack the same morning which caused me to walk significantly more than I was planning. I haven't had an attack in over a year, and one pops up the morning of a race? Annoying. Oh well, such is life. It was still fun, I got a t-shirt, and the location was beautiful. It was the Run the Vineyard 5K at Chateau Elan in Brasleton, GA. The weather was gorgeous, and it was nice to have such pretty scenery to look at. It almost negated the fact that the second half of the course was almost all uphill. What did end up canceling out the negatives is the sweet t-shirt. It has an anthropomorphic wine barrel jogging on it. Hilarious.

In other news, a couple of months ago I officially registered for the Disney Marathon. It will be my third marathon (all 3 Disney) and I'm hoping to actually run it in around 5 hours this time. I would love to be under 5:00, but anything under 6:00 would be a triumph in itself. Marathon #1 was a nightmare time-wise. I'm proud that I finished because it was my first, I was undertrained, and I had bronchitis. However, it was definitely not my best finish. Marathon #2 was a significant improvement, but I was still over 6:00. I didn't account for the fact that I would be in choir at a massive conference (which means on my feet for the majority of the day) for almost a week leading into the weekend before the race. That will potentially happen again this year, but now I'll be ready. No sneaking up on me this time, Passion. I will have my recovery plan at the ready!

Of course, far before that is the Tower of Terror 10-Miler. My hotel room is booked, so now I am official. Which is assuming that the hefty registration fee didn't make it official in the first place. I guess I'm just doubly official now. I would love to run it in right around 2 hours. That would put me at a 12 minute mile pace, which seems attainable after the aforementioned training derailment. Plus, I don't want to destroy myself and not be able to enjoy the after party at Hollywood Studios. If I'm too exhausted or injured to ride Rock 'n' Roller Coaster a million times over I will be extremely disappointed.

Also happening long before January is the Atlanta Half Marathon on Thanksgiving Day. I ran it last year and really enjoyed it. The best part is definitely running underneath the Olympic rings. Well, that and the abundance of parking since it starts at Turner Field. I haven't registered yet (remember I have no job?), but I will soon. Especially since the price goes up on September 1. I really do need a job, just so I can support my race habit. I recently put out a lot of applications, so hopefully I'll find something soon. I'm not picky.

I'm already looking ahead to 2013 races. Again, I need a job. I've considered designating my Way2Save account as a Run Disney account. I'm planning on hitting as many Disney races as possible and throwing some local races like the Peachtree in there for good measure. Disney-wise I am planning on the Princess Half, the Tower of Terror (if it happens again), the Wine and Dine Half, and the Disneyland Marathon (Lord willing... I am aching for that Coast to Coast medal.) I'm also planning on training all year to do the Goofy Challenge in 2014. The jury's still out on that, though.

Well, that should cover just about everything. Maybe I'll actually blog consistently again so that lengthy nonsense like this won't have to happen again.

WRONG. I did not cover everything. The purpose of this blog is still for me to log daily workouts and I didn't even do that. Partially because it's Tuesday which is a running and evening yoga day, and I have done neither of those things. I'll just edit later when that happens. Fair? Fair.

38 days until the 10 miler!
143 days until the WDW Marathon!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

ToT - Day Eight

I'm excited to write this post as a non-liar today. I did, in fact, run today. All 30 minutes. It was a tough run both physically and mentally. My legs were unhappy from Brazil Butt Lift yesterday (never again with the Bum Bum... only the one with leg exercises and no cardio... sculpt something or other?) and I was running right before dinner, so I kept wanting to quit to go eat. My mind sounded something like this the whole run- "I can stop with 5 minutes left." "No you can't, keep going." "I can walk the last 3 minutes." "Oh really? Are you going to do this in the marathon, too? The Peachtree? The 10 miler? Suck it up." It was hilarious and exhausting all at the same time.

Good news! My sister registered for the 10 miler today!!! I now have a traveling companion and a race buddy. She's pretty much the best option ever because she loves Disney nearly as much as I do. We haven't had a trip together in awhile and I'm really excited to share this with her. Plus, I still owe her a meal at Casey's or Earl of Sandwich (her choice) as her reward for trouncing me in fantasy baseball last season.

Now I'm off to let my sunless tanner continue to dry. Oh, the things we do not to look like dead people in taupe dresses...

75 days til the Peachtree!
162 days til the 10 miler!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

ToT - Day Seven

Okay, I lied again. I didn't run today either. I figured I would rather do something else today and stick with my Tuesday/Thursday runs.

On that note, this post should be subtitled "Brazil butt lift is what nightmares are made of." My sister has the complete workout package and I have tried the original Bum Bum video once before today. I quit 10 minutes in, which is saying something because I don't quit when I'm working out. I made it 15 minutes in today. I'm hoping to work up to the full 30 minutes within a few weeks.

If you think you're in shape, go try Brazil Butt Lift and get back to me tomorrow.

76 days til the Peachtree!
163 days til the 10 miler!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

ToT - Day Six

Fact: I did not run today. I thought I would have time after work and before my sister's birthday dinner (she's 26 - happy birthday, Whit!) to squeeze a run in, but there were crazy storms that slowed me way down and put me behind schedule. So I opted to do my strengthening exercises again tonight (the foam roller hurt significantly less today), and I'm going to run tomorrow. I'm hoping the weather trend from today carries over a bit and it's drizzly in the morning. I love to run in the rain. In any case, a significant amount of pollen has been washed away and I'm quite grateful for that.

77 days until the Peachtree! 
164 days until the 10 miler!

Monday, April 16, 2012

ToT - Day Five

Monday, Monday...

Mondays are usually yoga days, but today I just wasn't feeling it. I decided to go with some stretches and a few strength building exercises.

Bonus: My foam roller that I ordered showed up at my house today. I used it to massage my IT band and, man oh man, it was painful but in the BEST way.

I'm really looking forward to my run tomorrow. It seems like they just keep getting better.

This is a super short post, but at least it serves the purpose of logging my workouts. :)

78 days until the Peachtree!
165 days until the 10 miler!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

ToT - Day Four

I can say without a doubt that I do not enjoy many feelings more than I enjoy the feeling after a great run. I managed to sneak in my 3 miles (and this post!) and I'm so glad that I did. It was just one of those runs where everything is working just the way it should. I felt strong the whole time. My favorite part of it is part that I am still enjoying - that feeling your muscles have after they work hard. I'm not sore by any means, but I have that great, just-worked-out feeling.

I stuck with my 30 second walk/run ratio the whole time (after a 5 minute warm-up). While the old me would be annoyed that it took me 45 minutes to run 3.02 miles, I'm glad that at this point in time I can focus on how awesome I feel right now and the fact that I ran the entire time pain free. Score! The last time I hit 3 miles my IT band certainly let me know that it did not appreciate me ignoring its need to be cared for. I definitely now appreciate the quality of my mileage over the quantity.

Time to slip back into the rest of my evening.

80 days until the Peachtree!
167 days until the 10 miler!

Friday, April 13, 2012

ToT - Day Three

Aaack! I almost didn't get my post in for today. It's 11:30 so technically I'm still okay. It really only matters for the sake of accountability, though. It's Friday (yoga day). There's nothing super exciting to report.

Although, this is relatively exciting... I actually had sufficient floor space for yoga today. Whoop! I spent the majority of the day cleaning my room out. I am pretty sure that I am singlehandedly going to cause Goodwill to need to open a new location. I have 3 trash bags full of things to take and I'm not even finished. Definitely the highest level of spring cleaning I have done in quite some time.

Tomorrow I'll be running 3 miles, though I'm not sure exactly when that is going to fit into my schedule. I have a bridesmaid dress fitting for one wedding and a bachelorette party for another. I may end up having to switch my rest day to tomorrow and run on Sunday. We shall see.

Alright, time to stop rambling before my post is technically "tomorrow."

Peace out.

81 days until the Peachtree!
168 days until the 10 miler!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

ToT - Day Two

Day two! Whoop.

 Today is a Thursday which means I had a 30 minute run. I had every intention of waking up at 7:15 and running this morning - until I looked at the weather when I woke up and it was 37 degrees. I'm sorry. I'm from Georgia, and 37 degrees in April does not compute. Truth be told, there is a treadmill in my basement, but I realized at that point that running meant showering and not running meant sleeping in. Not a hard choice for me when I knew I had time to run this evening.

 Confession: This is not truly the first running day I have had in this little endeavor. I ran Tuesday. However, it was a trial to see if I could run the whole 30 minutes without any IT pain. It was a success, so here we are.

 My Tuesday run, I'm not going to lie, flat-out sucked. I had run ONCE since the Disney Marathon (January 8) and I certainly could feel it. I'm taking it super, super slowly this time to preserve all of the work I've been doing to strengthen my leg. As in starting all the way back at a 30 second run/ 30 second walk interval instead of the 3 minute run/ 1 minute walk I was doing at marathon time. I plan to use that ratio for this week and next week and then I'll bump up to 1min/1min and go gradually from there.

 The good news about today... MY RUN DIDN'T SUCK. I attribute this to the fact that my body realizes we are going to be running again and is planning accordingly. Well, that and the fact that I was running on the treadmill so the evil forces of pollen were thwarted today. I am incredibly ready for the pollen to get the heck out.

 Alright, back to my run - I warmed up 5 minutes, ran with my ratio for 25 minutes, and cooled down for 5 minutes. I felt great the whole time and I was so grateful.

 Bonus: thanks to my sister I have discovered the sock bun. Oh my goodness... MAGIC, people! My hair is super long and has gotten pretty heavy as it has gotten longer (duh). It really has been a pain trying to figure out how to keep it secure while I run. The only thing that has held well is french braids, but I don't always want to run with those. Enter the sock bun. God's gift to runners with long hair. I threw my hair into one today and, lo and behold, at the end of my run it was still in tact! Brilliant!

On that note, I'm signing off.
Go put your hair in a sock bun... For real.

82 days until the Peachtree! 
169 days until the 10-miler!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

ToT - Day One

It seems strange to have a post that starts at "Day One" when I've already had one. Clearly, I was unable to keep up my effort to chronicle my training for the 2012 WDW Marathon. Fact: It already happened. Fact: I completed it. Fact: There was a very short time around mile 18/19 where I thought I might give up. Those thoughts are always very brief for me because the thought of ending a race with a DNF is pretty much unbearable. I was in the choir at the Passion 2012 conference and it was amazing - just not for marathon purposes. I had been on my feet for close to a week (not to mention bouncing and dancing around) and then two days later headed down to Orlando. Instead of the balls of my feet hurting at like mile 17, I was hurting around mile 6. Lesson learned.

Ah, well. Bygones. It is time to move on to the actual point of this post... The Tower of Terror 10-Miler!!

As soon as this race was announced, I knew I was going to run it. A) It's at night and I have yet to experience a WDW night race. B) I will receive an inaugural medal (and let's be real, I am ALL about the medals). C) If I can have a reason to head down to Orlando, I'm there.

Bonus: The Little Mermaid standard rooms at the new Art of Animation resort open September 15, and the race is September 29. New resort stay, anyone? I think YES. OH, and reason D... the Disney Villains Hollywood Bash that occurs after the race. Late night rides in Hollywood Studios? Don't mind if I do.

Training-wise I'm currently going to be running 30 minutes on Tuesday/Thursday and no more than 3 or 4 miles on Saturdays. I'm in the process of figuring out all of my IT band issues. I went for a run recently and only felt a slight bit of tightness and virtually no pain which means... TADA! The stretches and strengthening exercises I've been doing are working! I have a foam roller on the way and I can't wait to try it out. I'm thinking I will enjoy it much more than using my Nalgene...

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I'll just be doing yoga for now. I will potentially add in some other type of exercise, but for now I'm trying to take it easy and treat my body nicely. At the end of May I'll be starting one of the official Jeff Galloway training plans specific to the 10-miler. This works unusually well for me, because it coincides almost perfectly with the training I need to do for the Peachtree Road Race on July 4.

Today, Day One (for me), is a yoga day. Not much to report on that except that I dadgum love me some yoga.

I'm officially registered for the 10-Miler and the Peachtree and I am raring to go. Nothing like the spark of a registration to jumpstart your training!

83 days until the Peachtree!
170 days until the 10-miler!